Early Morning Drama!

Written By: Arlene Ridolfi Valentine - Jun• 14•19

Offender Being Hoisted

Mornings are very quiet on our little street in Florence……but there was a big commotion one morning so I opened the shutters, looked out, and ran for the camera.  Someone had left their car overnight on this tiny, tiny street……a very big no-no in the old historical zone.  The commotion was caused by the arrival of the tow truck, the noise of the hydraulic mechanism to hoist the front end of the car, and the constant chatter of the two way radios holstered onto the two lady police officers!

Off To The Lockup

Tensions rose at the moment of departure as this car left for parts unknown (actually a vast parking lot on the outskirts of town) because if the owner had shown up at this moment the confrontation would have been serious, exaggerated, but ultimately useless because everyone knows that once the ticket is written and the tow truck is on the scene there is nothing to be done.

Free At Last

Within seconds of the offending transgressor’s departure, the two otherwise trapped residents were able to exit their garages and get on with their morning.  I’m sure they were the ones who called the city police because as you can see a three-point turn is required to exit the garages under their apartments.

Everyone Gone in 5 Minutes!

And presto…….the entire drama was over in 5 minutes and everyone got on with the business of their day.  I didn’t get to see what happened when the owner of that now-impounded car discovered that his car was missing…….the last I heard the fine was 200 euro…..but first he would have to get himself out of town to the towed-vehicle parking lot!

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