Homework…….of a different kind.

Written By: Arlene Ridolfi Valentine - Mar• 21•20

It seems very surreal, but most of the world is suddenly at home.  Not out and about.  Not doing errands.  Just home.  Kids are being tele-schooled, parents are working from home, house pets are wondering why weekends are now never-ending.  We are all finding a moment in which to do some homework.  For me, that means having a look at the 14,000 photos I have accumulated over the last 15 years.  It occurred to me that some of them are really good vehicles for bringing out a bit of beauty and pleasure…….not a small thing these days.   Perhaps not every day, but as I delve deeper into this really big pile I can feel the enthusiasm that will lead to many postings. So, here goes……..just some photos I’ve taken, a bit of explanation or short caption, and that’s it.  Simple.

Neighborhood Watch

We had a sabbatical year in 2014 and we traveled to some wonderful places.  In Cap Ferrat, France (where this blog was first created) daily walks were always a pleasure because the place is full of whimsy…….like this tall, bronze fellow watching over his domain……….

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